Vinh Giang Speaking Fee: What You Need to Know

Keynote Speaker

Are you looking for a keynote speaker who can inspire and motivate your audience? If so, you’ve probably heard of Vinh Giang. He’s a renowned keynote speaker who has been delivering speeches on various topics for years. But how much does Vinh Giang charge for his services? In this article, we’ll delve into Vinh Giang’s speaking fee and provide you with all the information you need to know.

Who is Vinh Giang?

Before we discuss Vinh Giang’s speaking fee, let’s briefly introduce who he is. Vinh Giang is a successful entrepreneur, magician, and keynote speaker who has been inspiring audiences around the world for years. He’s the founder of 52kards, an online resource for magicians, and has been featured on various platforms, including TEDx, The Ellen Show, and Penn & Teller: Fool Us.

Vinh Giang's Speaking Topics

Vinh Giang is known for his captivating speeches that blend magic, storytelling, and business principles. He offers several speaking topics that are tailored to meet the needs of different audiences. Some of Vinh Giang’s speaking topics include:

  • The Art of Communication
  • Transforming Fear into Creativity
  • Leadership Lessons from Magic
  • Achieving the Impossible
  • Winning through Innovation


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Vinh Giang's Speaking Fee

Now, let’s discuss the burning question: how much does Vinh Giang charge for his speaking services? Vinh Giang’s speaking fee varies depending on several factors, including the location, duration, and type of event. However, on average, his speaking fee ranges from $20,000 to $30,000.

It’s worth noting that Vinh Giang’s speaking fee is higher than most keynote speakers. However, his unique blend of magic, storytelling, and business principles makes him stand out from the crowd. Hiring Vinh Giang as your keynote speaker is an investment that can yield tremendous returns for your organization.

Why Choose Vinh Giang as Your Keynote Speaker?

Aside from his unique speaking style, there are several reasons why you should consider Vinh Giang as your keynote speaker. Here are a few:

  • He delivers customized speeches that are tailored to meet the needs of your audience.
  • He has a proven track record of delivering high-quality speeches that inspire and motivate audiences.
  • He offers practical insights that can help your organization achieve its goals.
  • He blends magic, storytelling, and business principles to create a unique and memorable experience for your audience.


How to Book Vinh Giang for Your Event

If you’re interested in hiring Vinh Giang as your keynote speaker, you can contact his team through his website. Alternatively, you can work with, the leading website guide in finding the best keynote speaker for your event. They can help you find and book Vinh Giang or any other keynote speaker that fits your event’s needs and budget.


In conclusion, Vinh Giang is an accomplished keynote speaker who offers captivating speeches that blend magic, storytelling, and business principles. His speaking fee may be higher than most keynote speakers, but it’s an investment that can yield tremendous returns for your organization. If you’re interested in hiring Vinh Giang as your keynote speaker, you can contact his team directly or work with to find the perfect fit for your event.

  1. What are Vinh Giang’s speaking topics?
  • Vinh Giang offers several speaking topics, including The Art of Communication, Transforming Fear into Creativity, Leadership Lessons from Magic, Achieving the Impossible, and Winning through Innovation.
  1. How much does Vinh Giang charge for his speaking services?
  • Vinh Giang’s speaking fee ranges from $20,000 to $30,000 on average, depending on the location, duration, and type of event.
  1. Why is Vinh Giang’s speaking fee higher than most keynote speakers?
  • Vinh Giang’s unique blend of magic, storytelling, and business principles makes him stand out from the crowd, which justifies his higher speaking fee.
  1. What makes Vinh Giang’s speeches unique?
  • Vinh Giang blends magic, storytelling, and business principles to create a memorable experience for his audience.
  1. How can I book Vinh Giang for my event?
  • You can contact Vinh Giang’s team through his website or work with, the leading website guide in finding the best keynote speaker for your event.


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