Steps to Invite a Keynote Speaker to Your Event

Inviting a keynote speaker to your event can add value and excitement to the overall experience. However, it requires careful planning and execution. In this article, we will outline the steps you need to take to successfully invite a keynote speaker to your event. From identifying your event goals to hosting the speaker at your event, we will cover everything you need to know. So let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Identify your event goals and set clear objectives
  • Research potential keynote speakers and consider their expertise and experience
  • Contact and evaluate keynote speakers based on event details and expectations
  • Negotiate terms and confirm the speaker by discussing fees, requirements, and finalizing agreements
  • Prepare for the keynote speaker by coordinating logistics, sharing event schedule, and arranging pre-event briefing

Identify Your Event Goals

Define the Purpose of the Event

One of the most important factors to consider when organizing an event is its purpose. By having a strong understanding of your ultimate goals, you will be able to devise a strategy and book the relevant speakers to meet those targets. Ask yourself: ‘what do I wish to achieve from this event?’ Such answers could include ‘increase brand reach’, ‘learn from professionals’, or ‘motivate my staff’ – whatever the objective, let it guide every element of your event. Particularly when choosing the perfect speaker, consider which expert will best support your event’s goal and supply.

Determine the Target Audience

One of the most important factors to consider when organizing an event, conference, or seminar is its purpose. By having a strong understanding of your ultimate goals, you will be able to devise a strategy and book the relevant speakers to meet those targets. Ask yourself: “what do I wish to achieve from this event?”. Such answers could include “increase brand reach”, “learn from professionals”, or “motivate my staff” – whatever the objective, let it guide every element of your event. Particularly when choosing the perfect speaker, consider which expert will best support your event’s goal and supply.

Set Clear Objectives

One of the most important factors to consider when organizing an event, conference, or seminar is its purpose. By having a strong understanding of your ultimate goals, you will be able to devise a strategy and book the relevant speakers to meet those targets. Ask yourself: “what do I wish to achieve from this event?”. Such answers could include “increase brand reach”, “learn from professionals”, or “motivate my staff” – whatever the objective, let it guide every element of your event. Particularly when choosing the perfect speaker, consider which expert will best support your event’s goal and supply.

Research Potential Keynote Speakers

Identify Relevant Industry Experts

To identify relevant industry experts, attend industry events, join speaking forums online, and engage in communities where speakers and event organizers gather. Position yourself where opportunities are likely to arise by being in the right place at the right time with the right people. Make a plan to attend key events and be genuine in your interactions. Ask questions, listen, and share your passion. Additionally, research and identify key events in your industry that align with your expertise and audience. Plan to attend these events with specific goals in mind, such as meeting certain individuals or learning about specific topics. Engage actively in discussions and offer insightful comments to signal your commitment and enthusiasm for your field.

Consider Speaker’s Expertise and Experience

When considering a keynote speaker for your event, it is crucial to evaluate their expertise and experience in the relevant industry. Look for speakers who have a deep understanding of the subject matter and can provide valuable insights to your audience. Consider their past speaking engagements and the topics they have covered to ensure they align with the goals and theme of your event.

To help you make an informed decision, you can create a table comparing the expertise and experience of different potential speakers. This will allow you to easily compare their qualifications and choose the speaker who best fits your event’s needs.

Remember, the expertise and experience of the keynote speaker will greatly impact the success of your event, so take the time to thoroughly evaluate and consider these factors.

Review Speaker’s Previous Engagements

When evaluating potential keynote speakers, it is important to review their previous engagements to get a sense of their experience and expertise. Look for speaking engagements at industry conferences, events, and panels where the speaker has shared their knowledge and insights. Highlight any notable events or organizations they have spoken at, as well as the topics they have covered. This information can give you a better understanding of the speaker’s credibility and relevance to your event.

Here is an example of a table that can be used to present the speaker’s previous engagements:

Event Organization Topic
Event 1 Organization 1 Topic 1
Event 2 Organization 2 Topic 2

Alternatively, you can create a bulleted list to summarize the speaker’s previous engagements:

  • Event 1: Organization 1, Topic 1
  • Event 2: Organization 2, Topic 2

Remember to consider the alignment between the speaker’s previous engagements and the goals and theme of your event. This will help ensure that the speaker is a good fit and can deliver a valuable presentation to your audience.

Contact and Evaluate Keynote Speakers

Reach Out to Potential Speakers

One effective strategy to invite keynote speakers to your event is to reach out to them directly. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you, take the initiative and actively seek out speaking opportunities. By reaching out directly, you can target specific events and organizations that align with your expertise and audience. This approach demonstrates your initiative and professionalism, and it allows you to tailor your pitch to the specific needs and interests of the organization or event.

To start, research organizations and events that fit your niche and speaking style. Create a list of potential contacts, including event coordinators and human resources professionals. Craft a compelling pitch that highlights your unique value as a speaker and how you can contribute to the success of their event. Personalize your outreach and show genuine interest in their organization or event.

Consider collaborating with other speakers whose work complements yours. This can include co-hosting webinars, panel discussions, or even co-authoring articles or books. Collaborations like these multiply your reach and position you as a team player in the industry. They also catch the eye of event organizers and media, leading to more speaking opportunities. Identify speakers whose audience and message align with yours, engage with their content, and establish a connection. Propose a collaboration that offers mutual benefit and a shared goal to provide value to both audiences.

Remember, direct outreach involves proactively contacting organizations, businesses, and event planners to offer your speaking services. This can be done through personalized emails or messages, phone calls, or even face-to-face meetings. Leave a lasting impression that opens the door to future speaking opportunities. Be professional, concise, and respectful of their time. Follow up with a thank you note or additional information about your speaking services to maintain the relationship.

Table: Key Steps for Reaching Out to Potential Speakers

Step Description
1 Research organizations and events that fit your niche and speaking style
2 Create a list of potential contacts, including event coordinators and HR professionals
3 Craft a compelling pitch highlighting your unique value as a speaker
4 Personalize your outreach and show genuine interest in the organization or event
5 Consider collaborating with other speakers whose work complements yours
6 Engage with their content and establish a connection
7 Propose a collaboration that offers mutual benefit and a shared goal
8 Proactively contact organizations, businesses, and event planners
9 Leave a lasting impression and follow up with a thank you note

Tip: When reaching out to potential speakers, focus on the value you can provide to their audience and the unique expertise you bring to the table. Personalize your pitch and show genuine interest in their work or organization.

Provide Event Details and Expectations

After establishing initial contact with potential keynote speakers, it is important to provide them with specific details about the event. This includes the date, time, and location of the event, as well as expectations regarding their contribution, such as delivering a keynote speech or participating in a panel discussion. In addition, it is crucial to discuss logistics and arrangements, such as travel, accommodation, and honorarium if applicable. By providing clear and detailed information, you can ensure that the keynote speaker is well-informed and prepared for the event.

Assess Speaker’s Availability and Interest

Once you have reached out to potential keynote speakers, it’s important to assess their availability and interest in speaking at your event. This will help you determine if they are a good fit for your event and if they have the availability to commit to your event date. Here are some steps to assess speaker’s availability and interest:

  1. Schedule a call or meeting: Arrange a call or meeting with the speaker to discuss their availability and interest in speaking at your event.
  2. Discuss event details: Provide the speaker with all the necessary event details, including the date, time, location, and duration of the event.
  3. Evaluate speaker’s interest: During the call or meeting, gauge the speaker’s level of interest in your event. Are they enthusiastic about the opportunity? Do they align with the purpose and theme of your event?
  4. Confirm availability: Ask the speaker if they have any scheduling conflicts or prior commitments that may prevent them from speaking at your event.
  5. Consider backup options: In case the speaker is not available, have a backup list of potential speakers who can step in if needed.

Assessing the availability and interest of keynote speakers is crucial to ensure a successful event. By following these steps, you can find the right speaker who is both available and interested in speaking at your event.

Negotiate Terms and Confirm Speaker

Discuss Speaker’s Fee and Expenses

When discussing the speaker’s fee and expenses, it is important to be transparent and upfront. Specify any honorarium or fee offered and provide details about travel arrangements and accommodations, if applicable. Mention whether the organization will cover travel expenses and provide any other perks like dining or transportation. It is also essential to discuss logistics and mention arrangements like travel, accommodation, and honorarium if applicable. By addressing compensation and logistics clearly in the invitation letter, you set clear expectations and ensure a smooth process for both parties.

Clarify Speaker’s Requirements

Once you have identified potential keynote speakers for your event, it is important to clarify their requirements to ensure a smooth and successful collaboration. This includes discussing logistical arrangements such as travel and accommodation, as well as any technical equipment or setup needed for their presentation. Additionally, it is crucial to communicate your expectations regarding their contribution, whether it be a keynote speech or a panel discussion. Be sure to provide your contact information for any queries and close the communication professionally.

Finalize Agreement and Contract

Once you have discussed the speaker’s fee and expenses, it is important to clarify any additional requirements they may have. This includes arrangements for travel, accommodation, and honorarium if applicable. Mention these arrangements in a clear and concise manner. End the discussion with a call to action, encouraging the speaker to respond by a specific date. Provide your contact information for any queries. Close the conversation professionally using a formal closing, such as ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Best Regards.’ Include your name and position. Here is an example of a template for success:



I am [YOUR NAME], the [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR ORGANIZATION]. We are organizing an event and would be honored to have you as our keynote speaker. We believe that your expertise and experience would greatly benefit our audience. The event will take place on [EVENT DATE] at [EVENT LOCATION].

We would like to discuss the details of your participation in the event, including expectations regarding your contribution, logistics, and any applicable honorarium. Please let us know your availability and interest in speaking at our event by [RESPONSE DATE].

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION]. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to have the opportunity to work with you.



Prepare for the Keynote Speaker

Coordinate Logistics and Technical Requirements

Once you have identified and confirmed a keynote speaker for your event, it is important to coordinate logistics and technical requirements to ensure a smooth and successful presentation. This includes discussing arrangements such as travel, accommodation, and honorarium, if applicable. Provide detailed information about the date, time, and location of the event, as well as your expectations regarding the speaker’s contribution, whether it is a keynote speech or a panel discussion. It is essential to communicate these details clearly and in a timely manner to avoid any misunderstandings or last-minute issues.

Share Event Schedule and Theme

To ensure that attendees are well-informed about the schedule and theme of your event, it is important to share this information with them. By providing a clear and concise event schedule, attendees will be able to plan their time and know when and where each session will take place. This can be done by adding sessions to your Event Schedule, including the name, description, location, timeframe, and speaker. Additionally, it is crucial to establish a theme for your event, as it sets the tone and helps guide the content and discussions. Be clear about the topics you wish to cover and ensure that the theme aligns with the goals and objectives of your event.

Arrange Pre-event Briefing

Once you have confirmed a keynote speaker for your event, it is important to arrange a pre-event briefing to ensure a smooth and successful presentation. During this briefing, you can discuss important details and expectations with the speaker, as well as provide any necessary support and resources. Here are some key points to cover in the pre-event briefing:

  • Review the event schedule and theme to ensure the speaker’s presentation aligns with the overall program.
  • Coordinate logistics such as travel arrangements, accommodation, and any technical requirements.
  • Share any specific information or materials the speaker may need for their presentation.
  • Arrange a time for a rehearsal or run-through of the presentation, if necessary.

By conducting a thorough pre-event briefing, you can ensure that the keynote speaker is well-prepared and confident in delivering a memorable presentation.

Promote the Keynote Speaker

Highlight Speaker’s Profile and Achievements

A compelling speaker profile involves crafting a detailed and engaging biography that highlights your unique strengths, experiences, and speaking topics. This profile should be available on your website, professional social media pages, and speaker directories. Your speaker profile is often the first impression potential clients and event organizers have of you. A well-crafted profile makes you stand out and effectively communicates your value proposition. It should showcase your expertise, past speaking engagements, and what makes your approach unique. This clarity helps those looking for speakers to quickly understand who you are and why you’re the right fit for their event. Start by defining your key messages and unique selling points. Include testimonials from past engagements, links to your talks or workshops, and a professional photo. Update your profile regularly to reflect your latest achievements and experiences. Distribute your profile across various platforms where event organizers might seek speakers, such as professional networking sites, speaker bureaus, and your own website.

Leverage Social Media and Marketing Channels

Utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to showcase your expertise, share your insights, and connect with your audience. Your presence on social media can open doors to speaking opportunities you might not find elsewhere. It’s where event organizers, companies, and potential clients are actively looking for voices like yours. Share valuable content, engage with your followers, and showcase your speaking skills. Become more than a speaker; become a thought leader in your niche. Begin by choosing the right platforms for your audience. Create content that resonates with your target audience and consistently publish your thoughts and insights. Engage with your readers through comments and messages to build a community around your ideas. Consider reaching out to online magazines or blogs for guest writing opportunities. Participate in podcasts and webinars to expand your reach and establish your voice in the industry.

Create Buzz and Excitement

After promoting the keynote speaker and highlighting their profile and achievements, it’s important to leverage social media and marketing channels to create buzz and excitement for the event. Engage with your audience by sharing behind-the-scenes content, teasers, and exclusive updates. Encourage attendees to share their excitement and anticipation on social media using event-specific hashtags. Additionally, consider implementing a social media contest or giveaway to further generate buzz. By creating a sense of anticipation and excitement, you can maximize attendance and create a memorable experience for your audience.

Host the Keynote Speaker at Your Event

Introduce the Speaker to the Audience

When introducing the keynote speaker to the audience, it is important to personalize the greeting and address the speaker by name. Avoid generic salutations like ‘Dear Sir/Madam.’ Begin by introducing yourself and briefly mentioning your role and organization. Provide an overview of the event, including its purpose, audience, and theme. Explain why you chose the speaker and highlight their achievements or expertise relevant to the event. Make the speaker feel valued and important.

Next, provide specific details about the event, such as the date, time, and location. Clearly communicate the expectations regarding the speaker’s contribution, whether it’s a keynote speech or a panel discussion. Discuss logistics and mention arrangements like travel, accommodation, and honorarium if applicable.

Finally, end the introduction with a call to action, encouraging the speaker to deliver their speech. Tie the call to action back to the event’s theme and emphasize the importance of their participation. By following these steps, you can create a memorable and impactful introduction for the keynote speaker.

Provide Necessary Support and Resources

After finalizing the agreement and contract with the keynote speaker, it is crucial to provide them with the necessary support and resources to ensure a successful presentation. This includes:

  • Arranging for any technical equipment or setup required by the speaker.
  • Providing a dedicated point of contact for the speaker to address any questions or concerns.
  • Offering assistance with travel arrangements and accommodations, if applicable.

It is important to communicate with the speaker regularly leading up to the event to ensure that all their needs are met and that they feel supported. By providing the necessary support and resources, you can help create an environment where the keynote speaker can deliver their best presentation and engage the audience effectively.

Ensure Smooth Execution of the Keynote

After finalizing the agreement and contract with the keynote speaker, it is crucial to ensure a smooth execution of the keynote presentation. Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Coordinate Logistics and Technical Requirements: Work closely with the speaker to coordinate logistics such as travel arrangements, accommodation, and any technical requirements for their presentation.
  2. Share Event Schedule and Theme: Provide the speaker with a detailed event schedule and theme to help them tailor their presentation accordingly.
  3. Arrange Pre-event Briefing: Schedule a pre-event briefing with the speaker to go over any last-minute details, clarify expectations, and address any questions or concerns.

Remember, a well-executed keynote presentation can leave a lasting impact on your audience and contribute to the success of your event.

Follow Up and Express Gratitude

Send Thank You Note to the Speaker

After the keynote speech, it is important to express your gratitude to the speaker for their valuable contribution. A thank you note is a thoughtful gesture that shows appreciation and helps maintain a positive relationship. Here are some tips for writing an effective thank you note:

  • Personalize: Tailor your note to reflect the speaker’s accomplishments and relevance to your event.
  • Clarity: Be clear and concise about your appreciation and the impact of the speaker’s presentation.
  • Respect: Show respect for the speaker’s time and contribution.
  • Follow-up: If you don’t receive a response, a polite follow-up can be effective.

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Collect Feedback from Attendees

After the event, it is important to collect feedback from attendees to gauge their satisfaction and gather insights for future improvements. Consider implementing a follow-up survey or questionnaire to measure the success of the event. The survey should cover topics such as overall satisfaction, achievement of event goals, and areas that need improvement. This feedback can be used to plan future events more effectively and provide evidence of the event’s success to sponsors and stakeholders.

Additionally, engaging with attendees after the event is crucial for building a community around your brand. Follow up with attendees, ask for feedback, and invite them to connect with you on social media or subscribe to your newsletter. This ongoing engagement helps foster relationships and creates a loyal audience.

To further enhance your event planning efforts, consider using event planning email outreach templates. These templates can be used to promote your keynote speaker and provide clear and compelling reasons for attendees to participate. Promoting your event through social media channels, email lists, and local community boards can also help generate buzz and attract a wider audience.

Remember, hosting an event is not just about the event itself, but also about building connections and engaging with your audience. By collecting feedback, fostering relationships, and promoting your event effectively, you can create a memorable experience for attendees and establish a strong brand presence.

Maintain Relationship with the Speaker

Building a strong and lasting relationship with the keynote speaker is essential for future collaborations and opportunities. Here are some tips to maintain a positive connection:

  1. Stay Connected on Social Media: Follow the speaker on social media platforms and engage with their posts. Interact with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This will help you stay updated on their activities and maintain a presence in their network.
  2. Collaborate with Other Speakers: Look for opportunities to collaborate with other speakers in joint events or through shared content. By combining strengths, you can create greater value for your audience and expand your network.
  3. Show Respect and Professionalism: When communicating with the speaker, always be respectful and professional. Respond promptly to their messages and requests, and show appreciation for their time and expertise.
  4. Follow Up and Express Gratitude: After the event, send a personalized thank you note to the speaker, expressing your gratitude for their contribution. This gesture will leave a positive impression and strengthen the relationship.

Remember, maintaining a relationship with the keynote speaker is not just about the event itself, but also about building a long-term connection that can lead to future opportunities.

Follow Up and Express Gratitude


In conclusion, inviting a keynote speaker to your event requires careful planning and preparation. By following the steps outlined in this article, such as preparing well in advance, doing thorough research, and utilizing the services of an agency, you can ensure a successful and impactful event. Remember to personalize your invitation and highlight the speaker’s expertise that aligns with your event’s theme. By taking these steps, you can create a memorable experience for your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance should I start planning to invite a keynote speaker?

It is recommended to start planning well in advance to avoid last-minute stress and increase the likelihood of securing the desired venue and speaker for your event.

What should I consider when researching potential keynote speakers?

When researching potential keynote speakers, consider their relevance to your industry, their expertise and experience, and review their previous engagements to ensure they align with your event’s goals.

How should I reach out to potential keynote speakers?

You can reach out to potential keynote speakers by sending a personalized invitation letter or email, highlighting their achievements and explaining why their insights would be valuable to your audience.

What details should I provide when contacting keynote speakers?

When contacting keynote speakers, provide details about your event such as the date, time, location, and the specific role you are inviting them for. Also, discuss logistics like travel, accommodation, and any honorarium if applicable.

How can I promote the keynote speaker to create buzz and excitement?

Promote the keynote speaker by highlighting their profile and achievements, leveraging social media and marketing channels, and creating a buzz around their participation in your event.

How can I ensure a smooth execution of the keynote speech?

To ensure a smooth execution of the keynote speech, coordinate logistics and technical requirements, share the event schedule and theme with the speaker, and arrange a pre-event briefing to align expectations.

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